

Original Publications of the MARTA Project

Bowen, William R. and Linda R. Carnes

1977    Archaeological Impact Studies of the MARTA East and West Lines (Contract TZ600-M93-02).  Report submitted to the Metro Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority and on-file at Georgia State University.


Carnes, Linda and Roy S. Dickens, Jr.

1979    Archaeological Impact Studies of the MARTA North and South Lines (Contract TZ600-M93-03).  Report submitted to the Metro Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority and on-file at Georgia State University.


Dickens, Roy S. Jr. and William R. Bowen

1980    Problems and promises in urban historical archaeology:  The MARTA project.  Historical Archaeology 14:42-57.

Read online: https://www.jstor.org/stable/25615368


Dickens, Roy S., Jr. and Timothy J. Crimmins

1982    Environmental-Impact Archaeology in the Urban Setting:  A View from Atlanta in Archaeology of Urban America:  The Search for Pattern and Process, edited by Roy S. Dickens, Jr., pp. 105-113. Academic Press, New York, NY.

Find a copy: https://www.worldcat.org/title/1331522674

Read: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XlHuTA5NZdEYu5lEXLI-2eSC0GrnUhUG/view?usp=sharing


Futch, Robin S., Linda H. Worthy, and Roy S. Dickens, Jr.

1980    Archaeological Impact Studies of the MARTA North and South Lines (Contract TZ600-M93-04).  Report submitted to the Metro Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority and on-file at Georgia State University.

Phoenix Project Publications

Cook, Lauren L.

2014    Medicinal Vessels of the First Gilded Age (1870-1929): Properties of Promise or Hokum of False Hope? Thesis, Georgia State University.

Read online: https://scholarworks.gsu.edu/anthro_theses/88/


Thompson, Lori C.

The MARTA Collection: An Investigation of an Archaeological Legacy and Cache of History. Thesis, Georgia State University.

Read online: https://scholarworks.gsu.edu/anthro_theses/108/


Raviv, Shaun.

2018    Treasures of Terminus. Georgia State University Magazine. https://news.gsu.edu/magazine/summer2018/treasures-of-terminus


Cantkier, Emmett; York Lewis; Kyle Wong.

2023     The Phoenix Project: A Digital Recount of Atlanta's Buried History. CASA Summer Symposium, Georgia State University. https://www.academia.edu/106014173/The_Phoenix_Project_A_Digital_Recount_of_Atlantas_Buried_Past